CLA Signing Guide
You are required to sign the Apache ICLA under the following condition:
- You have made lots of contribution to Dubbo before Dubbo get donated to Apache, and you haven’t sign the Alibaba-CLA before.
- You have made lots of contribution to Dubbo, and you are invited to become committer of Dubbo, and you have not signed Alibaba-CLA or Apache ICLA before.
- Download this pdf
- Fill in the necessary blanks
- Print it out
- Sign the printed file
- Scan it
- Send an email to and cc
- entitled with “ICLA submission”
- please also provide the link to your github account in the email body
- remember to add you ICLA as attachment.
Explanation to the fields
- Mailing address: Your company address in English is preferred.
- preferred apache id(s): if you are invited to become committers, you have to choose one apache id, otherwise you can leave it blank.
- notify project: Dubbo (This means Dubbo is the project who notifies you to sign the ICLA)
Last modified December 22, 2020: clean up website (6e41905afab)