dubbo:consumer element
Consumer default configuration. The corresponding clas: org.apache.dubbo.config.ConsumerConfig
. It is also default configuration of <dubbo:reference>
Property | Corresponding URL parameter | Type | Requisite | Default | Effect | Description | Compatibility |
timeout | default.timeout | int | N | 1000 | performance optimization | invoking timeout(ms) | above 1.0.16 |
retries | default.retries | int | N | 2 | performance optimization | Invoking retry times, exclude the first invoking. Set 0 to disable it.Only valid if the cluster’s value is failback/failover | above 1.0.16 |
loadbalance | default.loadbalance | string | N | random | performance optimization | Load balancing strategy. Choices:random, roundrobin(polling), leastactive(invoking least active service) | above 1.0.16 |
async | default.async | boolean | N | false | performance optimization | Whether invoke asynchronously | above 2.0.0 |
connections | default.connections | int | N | 100 | performance optimization | The maximum number of connections of per service provider. Only short link protocol such as rmi,http,hessian etc. supports. Long link protocol such as dubbo doesn’t support | above 1.0.16 |
generic | generic | boolean | N | false | service governance | Whether default generic interface. A instance of GenericService will be got if true. | above 2.0.0 |
check | check | boolean | N | true | service governance | Whether check the survival of provider. If true, throw exception when no provider of some services is alive. Otherwise, just ignore it | above 1.0.16 |
proxy | proxy | string | N | javassist | performance optimization | Java class compile.It is used for the generating of dynamic class. The options are JDK and javassist | above 2.0.5 |
owner | owner | string | N | service governance | Application manager. Pls. fill in the mailbox prefix of the person in charge | above 2.0.5 | |
actives | default.actives | int | N | 0 | performance optimization | The max concurrency of per service method for each corresponding consumer | above 2.0.5 |
cluster | default.cluster | string | N | failover | performance optimization | Cluster tolerance. Choices:failover/failfast/failsafe/failback/forking | above 2.0.5 |
filter | reference.filter | string | N | performance optimization | The name of filter which intercepts consumer remote invoke. Multiple names are separated by commas | above 2.0.5 | |
listener | invoker.listener | string | N | performance optimization | The consumer referenced service listener name. Multiple names are separated by commas | above 2.0.5 | |
registry | string | N | register with the registry | configuration relevant | Register with the designated registry. Generally,for multiple registries, and value is the “id” of <dubbo:registry>. Multiple registries are separated by commas.If you do not want to register the service to any registry,pls set “N/A” | above 2.0.5 | |
layer | layer | string | N | service governance | The layer of consumer. Such as: biz, dao, intl:web, china:acton | above 2.0.7 | |
init | init | boolean | N | false | performance optimization | If true, initialize when “afterPropertiesSet()” is invoked. Otherwise wait until the instance is referenced to initialize | above 2.0.10 |
cache | cache | string/boolean | N | service governance | Cache return result, and key is call parameters. Choices: lru, threadlocal, jcache and so on | at least 2.1.0 | |
validation | validation | boolean | N | service governance | Whether enable JSR303 standard annotation validation | at least 2.1.0 |
Last modified December 22, 2020: clean up website (6e41905afab)