dubbo:method element
Method level configuration. The corresponding class: org.apache.dubbo.config.MethodConfig
. This tag is a child tag of <dubbo:service>
or <dubbo:reference>
, for accuracy to method level.
Property | Corresponding URL parameter | Type | Requisite | Default | Effect | Description | Compatibility |
name | string | Y | identifier | Method name | above 1.0.8 | ||
timeout | <metodName>.timeout | int | N | <dubbo:reference> timeout | performance optimization | Method call timeout(ms) | above 1.0.8 |
retries | <metodName>.retries | int | N | <dubbo:reference> retries | performance optimization | Invoking retry times, exclude the first invoking. Set 0 to disable it | above 2.0.0 |
loadbalance | <metodName>.loadbalance | string | N | <dubbo:reference> loadbalance | performance optimization | Load balancing strategy. Choices:random, roundrobin(polling), leastactive(invoking least active service) | above 2.0.0 |
async | <metodName>.async | boolean | N | <dubbo:reference> async | performance optimization | Whether invoke asynchronously | above 1.0.9 |
sent | <methodName>.sent | boolean | N | true | performance optimization | Generally used when async is true, and If true, indicate that the network has sent out data | above 2.0.6 |
actives | <metodName>.actives | int | N | 0 | performance optimization | The max concurrency of per service method for each corresponding consumer | above 2.0.5 |
executes | <metodName>.executes | int | N | 0 | performance optimization | The maximum number of threads of per service method is limited- -. Only take effect when <dubbo:method> is <dubbo:service> child tag | above 2.0.5 |
deprecated | <methodName>.deprecated | boolean | N | false | service governance | Whether is deprecated method. Only take effect when <dubbo:method> is <dubbo:service> child tag | above 2.0.5 |
sticky | <methodName>.sticky | boolean | N | false | service governance | If true, all methods on this interface use the same provider. If more complex rules are required, use routing | above 2.0.6 |
return | <methodName>.return | boolean | N | true | performance optimization | Whether need return value. Only take effect when async is true. If true, return future, or callback such as “onreturn” method. Otherwise, return null. | above 2.0.6 |
oninvoke | String | N | performance optimization | Intercept before invoke | above 2.0.6 | ||
onreturn | String | N | performance optimization | Intercept after invoke | above 2.0.6 | ||
onthrow | String | N | performance optimization | Intercept when catch exception | above 2.0.6 | ||
cache | <methodName>.cache | string/boolean | N | service governance | Cache return result, and key is call parameters. Choices: lru, threadlocal, jcache and so on | at least 2.1.0 | |
validation | <methodName>.validation | boolean | N | service governance | Whether enable JSR303 standard annotation validation | at least 2.1.0 |
For example:
<dubbo:reference interface="com.xxx.XxxService">
<dubbo:method name="findXxx" timeout="3000" retries="2" />
Last modified December 22, 2020: clean up website (6e41905afab)