dubbo:reference element
The configuration of service consumer. The corresponding class isorg.apache.dubbo.config.ReferenceConfig
Attribute | Corresponding URL parameter | Type | Required | Default Value | Function | Description | Compatibility |
id | string | True | Configuration association | Bean Id of the service reference | Above 1.0.0 | ||
interface | class | True | Service discovery | Interface name of the service | Above 1.0.0 | ||
version | version | string | False | Service discovery | Service version, must be equal to the provider’s version | Above 1.0.0 | |
group | group | string | False | Service discovery | The group of the service reference, must be equal to the provider’s group. It can distinguish services when it has multiple implements. | Above 1.0.7 | |
timeout | timeout | long | False | By default, use <dubbo:consumer> timeout | Performance optimize | The RPC timeout(ms) | Above 1.0.5 |
retries | retries | int | False | By default, use <dubbo:consumer> retries | Performance optimize | The retry count for RPC, not including the first invoke. Please set it to 0 if don’t need to retry. | Above 2.0.0 |
connections | connections | int | False | By default, use <dubbo:consumer> connections | Performance optimize | The maximum connections of every provider. For short connection such as rmi, http and hessian, it’s connection limit, but for long connection such as dubbo, it’s connection count. | Above 2.0.0 |
loadbalance | loadbalance | string | False | By default, use <dubbo:consumer> loadbalance | Performance optimize | Strategy of load balance, random , roundrobin and leastactive are available. | Above 2.0.0 |
async | async | boolean | False | By default, use <dubbo:consumer> async | Performance optimize | Asynchronous execution, not reliable. It does not block the execution thread just only ignores the return value. | Above 2.0.0 |
generic | generic | boolean | False | By default, use <dubbo:consumer> generic | Service governance | Enable generic interface. If true, the reference will return GenericService | Above 2.0.0 |
check | check | boolean | False | By default, use <dubbo:consumer> check | Service governance | Check the exist of the provider. If true, it will throw exception when provider is not exist. If false, will ignore. | Above 2.0.0 |
url | url | string | False | Service governance | Connect to the provider directly via this url. It will bypass the registry. | Above 1.0.6 | |
stub | stub | class/boolean | False | Service governance | The local proxy class name of the client, it’s used to execute local logic such as caching. The proxy class must have a constructor with the remote proxy object as a parameter, such as public XxxServiceLocal(XxxService xxxService) | Above 2.0.0 | |
mock | mock | class/boolean | False | Service governance | The mock class name. It’s called when the RPC is failed, such as timeout or IO exception. The mock class must carry a none parameter constructor. The difference between mock and local proxy is that local proxy is always invoked before RPC but mock is invoked only when exception after RPC. | Above 1.0.13 | |
cache | cache | string/boolean | False | Service governance | lru, threadlocal, jcache等Using RPC parameters as the key to cache the result. lru , threadlocal and jcache are available. | Above 2.1.0 | |
validation | validation | boolean | False | Service governance | Enable JSR303 annotation validation. If true, it will validate the method parameters’ annotations. | Above 2.1.0 | |
proxy | proxy | boolean | False | javassist | Performance optimize | The proxy implement, jdk/javassist are available. | Above 2.0.2 |
client | client | string | False | Performance optimize | The transport type of the client, such as netty and mina for dubbo protocol. | Above 2.0.0 | |
registry | string | False | By default, it will merge all the service providers that getting from all registries | Configuration association | Get provider lists from the specified registry. It is the id value of the <dubbo:registry>, use , to separate multiple regsitries id. | Above 2.0.0 | |
owner | owner | string | False | Service governance | The owner of the service. It’s used for service governance. | Above 2.0.5 | |
actives | actives | int | False | 0 | Performance optimize | The maximum concurrent calls per method per service of the consumer. | Above 2.0.5 |
cluster | cluster | string | False | failover | Performance optimize | failover/failfast/failsafe/failback/forking are available. | Above 2.0.5 |
filter | reference.filter | string | False | default | Performance optimize | The filter name of the RPC process of the reference, use , to separate multiple filter names. | Above 2.0.5 |
listener | invoker.listener | string | False | default | Performance optimize | The listener name of the reference, use , to separate multiple listener names. | Above 2.0.5 |
layer | layer | string | False | Service governance | The biz layer of the service provider, such as biz, dao, intl:web and china:acton. | Above 2.0.7 | |
init | init | boolean | False | false | Performance optimize | If true, init the service reference when afterPropertiesSet() is invoked, or it will init later only when it is referenced and autowired. | Above 2.0.10 |
protocol | protocol | string | False | Service governance | Only invoke the providers with specified protocol, and ignore other protocol providers. | Above 2.2.0 |
Last modified December 22, 2020: clean up website (6e41905afab)