What's new in Apache Dubbo 3.x?
A summary of the new features available in Dubbo 3.x
New Service Discovery Mechanism
Performance improvements
Support for connecting with other microservices such as Spring Cloud, Kubernetes, gRPC, etc.
Triple: The new protocol based on HTTP/2
Compatible with gRPC
Multi-language friendly: You can use Protobuf to encode data
Support for streams such as Request Stream, Response Stream, and Bidirectional Stream.
- Deployment of Dubbo 3.x Applications in Kubernetes, VM, and Container.
Package distribution
- Dubbo 3.x only includes the core dependency package and now the user has to include each optional dependency.
Removed dependencies
Dependency changes
Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.43.v20210629
Upgrade to Apollo Client 1.8.0
Upgrade to Snakeyaml 1.29
Upgrade to Tomcat Embed 8.5.69
Upgrade to Nacos Client 2.0.2
Upgrade to Swagger 1.5.24
Last modified December 28, 2021: translate whats new in Dubbo 3 page #368 (#1013) (9e37b71382d)