Sign Up Only

Only register but not subscribe

Feature description

If there are two mirroring environments and two registries, one service is only deployed in one of the registries, and the other registry has not yet been deployed, and other applications in the two registries need to rely on this service. At this time, the service provider can only register the service to another registration center, but not subscribe to the service from another registration center.

scenes to be used

How to use

Disable subscription configuration

<dubbo:registry id="hzRegistry" address="" />
<dubbo:registry id="qdRegistry" address="" subscribe="false" />


<dubbo:registry id="hzRegistry" address="" />
<dubbo:registry id="qdRegistry" address="" />

Last modified January 2, 2023: Enhance en docs (#1798) (95a9f4f6c1c)